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The fixed horizontal wall-mount bar almost doesn’t require space, but provides an opportunity for a wide range of exercises including pull-ups to strengthen arms.

53,56 €

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Fiche technique

Age 3+
Allowable weight 100 kg
Installed LxWxH 855 x 545 x 368mm
Package size / kg 900 x 460 x 120mm/7kg

Plus d'infos

The fixed horizontal wall-mount bar almost doesn’t require space, but provides an opportunity for a wide range of exercises including pull-ups to strengthen arms. Additionally, by holding on to the bar and lifting legs to the waist or from side to side, the user is working all areas of his or her abdominal and oblique muscles. Completing several repetitions of this important core exercise each day adds overall strength, conditioning and cardiovascular endurance for many other activities and sports your child may be involved in.


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The fixed horizontal wall-mount bar almost doesn’t require space, but provides an opportunity for a wide range of exercises including pull-ups to strengthen arms.

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