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Lastest Blogs

Children and Exercise

Posted By: In: Sport Kid On: Friday, April 21, 2017 Comment: 0 Hit: 25209

Fact: Studies Show Active Kids Grow Up Happier and Healthier

Everything seems to move faster in this world where technology continues to advance beyond our wildest dreams. As information zooms towards us from an increasing array of sources—computers, social networks, multiple news outlets and smart phones—it has become a challenge for the average person to keep pace. But ironically, one thing is certain in this age of instant media, even as we are struggling to punch keys fast enough to get out our latest tweets or texts, we are slowing down our activity level to a crawl. And so are our children.

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Wall mounted and pressure fitted, what is the difference?

Posted By: In: Sport Kid On: Monday, January 23, 2017 Comment: 0 Hit: 26529

Indoor sports complex helps contributes to the harmonious physical development of children of different ages. In playing form the child will master simple exercises, learn to count the power, feel his boy. In the process of training will formed the correct posture, improved coordination, strengthened muscular corset. The current types of sports complexes can be installed in any room quite apart form space. 

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Sports equipment for kids

Posted By: In: Sport Kid On: Thursday, November 17, 2016 Comment: 1 Hit: 69390

It is hard to emphasize enough the benefit of sport in the open air. It is not only active physical development and sanitation, but also mass of positive emotions. Such an amusement will be good not only for children, but also or adults. Enough equipped sports playgrounds will allow to join kids of different age and even adult go info sport. Bright climb or horizontal и are will not leave anyone indifferent and not allow to pass make to try their forces. 

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